Part 1: Introducing Logic and Argument
1. The Importance of Logic
2. Formal Logic
Part 2: God in Logic
3. Logic Revealing God
4. Logic as Personal
5. Logic within Language
6. Suppressing the Truth
7. Logic and the Trinity
8. The Absoluteness of God
9. Logic and Necessity
10. Transcendence and Immanence
11. Reflections on the Mediation of Human Knowledge of Logic
12. Fallacies and God
Part 3: The Problem of Classification
13. Analogy
14. Unity and Diversity
15. Stability of Meaning
16. Form and Meaning
17. Context for Meaning
18. Persons and Logic
19. Logic and Religious Antithesis
20. Theistic Proofs
Part 4: Aristotelian Syllogisms
21. Theistic Foundations for a Syllogism
22. Venn Diagrams
23. Syllogisms of the First Figure